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    常绿窗户清洁 & 百老汇app提供专业的屋顶清洁服务


    屋顶清洁是必不可少的一部分 外部清洁服务日常家居及屋顶保养. Neglecting to regularly have your roof professionally cleaned can eventually result in a number of costly repairs further down the road.

    而不是把打扫屋顶列入你的待办事项清单, consider booking a roof cleaning service to come and give you a roof wash.

    这里是常青窗户清洁和家庭维护, we have trained roof technicians that are ready to visit your home and clean your roof. Continue reading to learn 更多的 about our roof cleaning services or 今天就给常青窗户清洁和家居维修公司打个电话.



    这里是常青窗户清洁和家庭维护, our versatile team of roof cleaning professionals offers two types of roof washing services:

    1. 商业屋顶清洁
    2. 住宅屋顶清洁

    Here’s a brief rundown of both roof cleaning services and why it’s important to have both your commercial and residential roofs cleaned by professionals.

    Want to give your home the regular TLC it deserves without the hassle of phoning us to schedule an appointment each time? 查看我们的 经常性维护计划 今天!


    作为一个企业, it is essential for you to maintain the physical appearance of your property and buildings. One way to enhance your curb appeal is by keeping your business’s roof free of debris and moss.

    如果你的屋顶不整洁, 这可能会引起潜在客户或顾客的不信任, who may wonder if a dirty roof is a sign of 更多的 serious business problems.

    以减少失去重要客户的风险, enlist our professional roof cleaning service to visit your commercial building and bring your roof under control.

    To learn 更多的 about our commercial roof cleaning services or to book a roof cleaning technician to visit your business, 给常青树窗户清洁和家庭保养a 今天.




    Our well-trained technicians have experience cleaning nearly every kind of roof, enabling them to 快速ly fine-tune our cleaning process to the unique needs of your home’s roof material.

    一般来说, we recommend that homeowners have their roofs professionally cleaned twice a year, 春天一次,秋天一次. This ensures that seasonal debris and moss aren’t given time to inflict damage to your roof.

    了解更多有关我们的住宅屋顶清洗服务, 今天就给常青窗户清洁和家居维修公司打个电话.




    厌倦了长满苔藓或布满碎片的屋顶? 今天就百老汇app,夺回屋顶的控制权 常绿窗户清洁和家庭维护.

    Our team of roof cleaning technicians is ready to provide you with a free estimate and help you restore your roof’s professional and clean appearance.

    我们是本地的: 海岸线WA排水沟清洁 | 贝尔维尤排水沟清洁 | 西雅图地沟清洁 | 柯克兰排水沟清洗 | 雷德蒙德排水沟清洗 | 锅炉排水沟清洁 | Lynwood排水沟清洗 | Issaquah排水沟清洗


    There are five main benefits associated with having your roof washed regularly:
    1. 保护 你的家远离有害污染物(如藻类、苔藓或霉菌)
    2. 保持 你的家看起来很干净整洁
    3. 维护 您的屋顶的整体状况,以避免不可逆转的损害
    4. 扩展 通过去除污染物来延长屋顶的寿命
    5. 防止 屋顶上的污渍



    We offer four different roof cleaning service options for home and business owners to choose from depending on their roof cleaning needs. During our roof cleaning service, our roof washers follow specific processes.

    Our roof cleaning process is broken down below for each of our roof cleaning options.

    A. 日常保健

    • 用空气吹掉屋顶上的树枝、树叶和其他碎片
    • 使用苔藓处理
    • 清洁排水沟和落水管
    • Pick up the debris that’s fallen from the roof during the air-blow and cleaning process

    B. 刷屋顶服务

    • 把屋顶上的青苔刷掉
    • 把屋顶上的碎片吹散
    • 使用苔藓处理
    • 清洁排水沟和落水管
    • Pick up the debris that’s fallen from the roof during the air-blow and cleaning process

    C. 洗天服务

    • 把屋顶上的碎片吹散
    • 清洁排水沟和落水管
    • 把清洁剂涂在屋顶上
    • 把屋顶上的青苔洗掉
    • 再次清洁排水沟和落水管
    • Pick up the debris that’s fallen from the roof during the cleaning process

    D. 屋顶软洗服务

    • 用空气吹掉屋顶上的树枝、树叶和其他碎片.
    • 清洁排水沟和落水管.
    • 把清洁剂涂在屋顶上
    • 彻底冲洗屋顶.
    • Pick up the debris that’s fallen from the roof during the cleaning process.

